A Christmas Carol
a:1:{s:7:"content";s:1597:"a:2:{s:7:"content";s:1352:"This has been a very “merry” production of Defiance Community Players, The Glenwood Springs Arts Council, and KMTS Radio at 99.1
â— Our Narrator was Ken Duprey
â— Ebenezer Scrooge was played by Tom Cochran
â— Martha Cratchit and the Young Caroler were played by Bostyn Elswick
â— Nephew Fred and Peter Cratchit were played by Josh Adamson
â— Bob Cratchit was played by David Collier
â— Jarrod Majkut played the Ghost of Jacob Marley and Mr. Poole
â— Chip Winn Wells played Tiny Tim and Ms. Lamb
â— The 1st Spirit and Buck were played by Bella Barnum Collier
â— Belle and Mrs. Cratchit were played by Jennetta Howell
â— The 2nd Spirit and Fezziwig were played by Travis Wilson
This production was directed by Brendan T. Cochran and produced by Chip Winn Wells.
Our stage manager was Jacquie Johnston.
Carols coordinated by Brad Vierheller
Recording, editing, and sound production by Pat Duprey
And I’m your announcer Gabe Chenowith, general manager for KMTS and all around swell guy.
Special Thanks to the Ute Theatre, and anybody else.
";s:7:"summary";s:152:"This has been a very “merry” production of Defiance Community Players, The Glenwood Springs Arts Council, and KMTS Radio at 99.1